beasiswa marshall bahasa Inggris
- beasiswa: fellowship; scholarship; studentship
- marshall: george catlett marshall; george marshall; e. g.
- beasiswa chevening: chevening scholarship
- beasiswa monbukagakusho: monbukagakusho scholarship
- penerima beasiswa: grantee; scholar
- persahabatan/beasiswa: company
- marshall: george catlett marshall; george marshall; e. g. marshall; marshallese; marshall; john marshall
- menempuh ujian beasiswa: sat for a fellowship; sit for a fellowship; sitting for a fellowship
- yang memperoleh beasiswa: bursar
- bahasa marshall: marshallese language
- colin marshall: colin marshall (footballer, born 1984)
- george marshall: george catlett marshall; george marshall; marshall
- john marshall: john marshall; marshall
- kepulauan marshall: marshall islands; the marshall islands; republic of the marshall islands
- marshall islands: republic of the marshall islands; marshall islands
- Oppenheimer received a Bachelor of Arts (BA) summa cum laude in film-making from Harvard University and a PhD from Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, University of the Arts London, while studying on a Marshall Scholarship.
Joshua Oppenheimer mendapatkan gelar Bachelor of Arts (BA) dengan predikat summa cum laude dalam bidang film dari Harvard University, dan gelar Ph.D. dari Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, University of the Arts London, melalui beasiswa Marshall Scholarship.